# Java

Mapping CSV file with multiline Strings to Java Object with Spring Batch

Parse CSV file that contains multiline strings. Spring Batch allows us to make this task easier.

Custom Hamcrest closeTo matcher

A practical hamcrest matcher `closeTo` to know if a date is close to another (of the same type). Supports `java.util.Date`, `java.time.LocalDateTime`, `java.time.ZonedDateTime`, `java.time.OffsetDataTime`. No dependencies other than hamcrest.

Update partially ressource with JSON Path and SpringBoot 2

Implémentation personnalisée partielle de JSON Path pour mise à jour partielle de ressource. En n'autorisant que certains attributs.

Undertow.io lightweight blocking and non-blocking IO

Undertow is a lightweight java web server from JBoss. It is supported by Spring Boot 1.5.10. It supports Web SOcket (JSR-356), Servlet 3.1.

Cgroup support backported in java 8

TLDR; -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap